How to Reset Your Administrator Password in WordPress

Last modified: June 17, 2020
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In order to keep your user account and your website safe from hackers, you should always get into the habit of using a suitably strong password, preferably one which combines both letters and numbers including words or names which are not likely to be found in the dictionary. It is also wise to change your password on a fairly regular basis, such as once every month, and you may want to consider enforcing this policy for any other user accounts associated with your WordPress site. If you forget your password or you simply want to reset it, you can do so by using one of the methods detailed in this guide.

1 – Changing Your Password if You Know the Old One

If you simply want to change the password for the sake of improved security, you can do so from within the administrator dashboard.


  1. Log in to your administrator dashboard with your current username and password and navigate to Users.
  2. Click on your username and scroll down to the bottom of the Profile page.
  3. Enter a new password and again in the next box. For the best results, ensure that the Strength indicator shows that you have a strong password before clicking “Update Profile”.

Using the Lost Password Feature

If you have forgotten your password, but you still know the username and email address associated with the account, you can reset your password by using the lost password function.

  1. Navigate to your administrator login page where you normally log in to the administrator dashboard and click “Lost password”.
  2. Enter the username and email address for the account your want to recover, and wait for the system to send you a password reset email.
  3. Log in to your administrator dashboard using the password provided in the password reset email, and complete the steps mentioned previously to change your password to something you will remember. to use an FTP client or a Web-based client provided by your hosting company.
  1. Log into your FTP server and navigate to \wordpress\wp-content\themes\. Enter the subfolder for your currently active theme and download the functions.php file.
  2. Open functions.php in a text editor such as notepad and add the following line of code to it:
  3. wp_set_password( ‘password’, 1 );
  4. Save the file and upload it to your FTP server, overwriting the original version.
  5. Log in to your administrator dashboard as normal to reset your password. Once you have reset the password, navigate to Appearance > Editor, open your functions.php file by clicking on the link in the right-side column and remove the line you added previously. If you don’t do this, your password will be reset every time you log in.




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