Create Product Categories in Magento

Last modified: August 6, 2020
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Product categories are important for eCommerce stores. Product categories allow your customers to easily search for a product that they need. They don’t have to look at the random products while searching for the product they want. Without categories and sub-categories, it would take too much time to find a product on the store containing hundreds and thousands of products.

So, product categories management is an important task if you are running an eCommerce store. Magento has an awesome user interface that we can use to create product categories. We will see how to manage categories as well as sub-categories. All you need is admin access to the Magento store.

Create Product Categories in Magento

First of all, log in to the admin panel of your Magento store. Now, click on the Catalog option given on the main menu. You will see a list of new options in the sub-menu. After the products option, click on the Categories option.

Manage Product categories in Magento - Step 1

Here, if you will find all the features you need to create and manage the category hierarchy for your store. To create a new sub-category, click on the parent category from the left sidebar. Then, Enter the required information in the new subcategory form like Name, is Active, URL key, description, etc.

Manage Product categories in Magento - Step 2

To save the changes, click on the Save option given at the top-right corner of the section. The process is to save the changes is the same for Category as well as Subcategory.

Manage product categories in Magento - Step 3

In this tutorial, we created a sub-category under the Default category. But, If you want to create a completely new category, you can click on the Add Root Category button given at the top-left corner of the section. You can also update Display settings by clicking on the second tab just above the Create/Update form.

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