Exim Error domain missing or malformed

Last modified: August 1, 2020
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Should exim in cPanel give an error similar to the following:

test@domain R=valias_domain_file defer (-17): error in redirect data: domain missing or malformed in “test@”

You are getting this error because fail is set up incorrectly in the default address field in cPanel.

To resolve the above-mentioned issue, please follow the below-given steps:

1) Login to your cPanel interface.

2) Navigate to the ‘Email’ section.

Exim error


3) Click on the icon ‘Default Address’ from the ‘Email’ section.

Exim error


4) A new window will open and here you can define how the default address handles incoming messages. Here enables the option ‘Discard the email while your server processes it by SMTP time with an error message’

Redirect Data


Enabling this option will send an error message to the sender. Enter an error message in the Failure Message text box and that message will be sent to the sender address.

5) Finally, click on the ‘Change’ button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

domain missing


You can also solve this issue by using the command line

1) Login to the server as the root user.

$ ssh root@ipaddress

Note: please change the ipaddress with your server IP address.

2) Open the following file using a text editor and remove any entry in that file.

$ vi /etc/valiases/domain.com

Save and close the file.


If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.


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