How to Add cPanel/WHM Server on WHMCS?

Last modified: July 31, 2020
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We can easily connect the cPanel/WHM server to WHMCS by adding the server on WHMCS. Connecting cPanel/WHM server to WHMCS will allow them to communicate each other. Once the connection has established between WHM and WHMCS, it will be easy for them to communicate for easy login from WHMCS, automatic cPanel creation, synchronizing packages, among other options etc. In this documentation, we have discussed about how to connect WHMCS to your WHM.

1) Log into your WHMCS with your username and password.

2) Navigate to the “Setup” tab.

Add Servers


3) Under the drop-down list choose the option “Products/Services”.

Add Servers


4) Products/Services option will also list some other sub-options. From there, click on “Servers” tab to proceed.

Add Servers


5) Now, click the “Add New Server” button to add a new server to the WHMCS.

Add Servers


6) Here, the previous page will navigate to the “Servers” page. Now, you would need to fill out all the necessary fields. The only required fields are Name, Hostname, IP Address, Type, and WHM username/password.

Add Servers


7) You can click the “Test Connection” button to verify your settings.


8) Now, click on “Save Changes” button to save all the changes.


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.


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