XOOPS (extensible Object Oriented Portal System) is a CMS written in PHP that uses a modular nature allowing, users to customize, update and theme their websites. Its object orientation makes it an ideal tool for developing small or large community websites, intra company and corporate portals, weblogs and much more. XOOPS aims to serve as a web framework for use by small, medium and large sites, by the installation of modules.
1) Open your terminal and download XOOPS.
# https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/files/latest/download
2) Extract the tarball.
# tar -xvf xoops-2.5.7.tgz
3) Create a directory for XOOPS and move the extracted file to the created directory.
# mkdir /var/www/html/xoops
# mv xoops – 2.5.7 /var/www/html/xoops/
4) XOOPS uses MySQL database to store its database. This part of installation is very important. Log in to mysql database.
# mysql -u root -p
5) To create a database for XOOPS execute the below mentioned commands.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE xoops_db;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xoopsdb. * TO ‘xoopsuser ‘@ ‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY by ‘YoUrPaS$w0rD’;
mysql> exit
6) Now you have to create a virtual host for xoops.
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *: 80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/xoops/
ServerAlias www.your-domain.com
<Directory /var/www/html/xoops/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride ALL
ErrorLog logs/your-domain.com-error_log
Customlog logs/your-domain.com-access_log common
7) Since you are editing configuration file of apache to add the virtual host, a restart of apache is needed.
# service httpd restart
8) To ensure security, it is recommended to rename the “xoops_lib” and “xoops_data” directories and move them out of the document root.
# mkdir -p /var/www/xoops/
# mv /var/www/html/xoops/xoops_lib /var/xoops/x00ps_lib
# mv /var/www/html/xoops/xoops_data /var/www/xoops/x00ps_data
9) Now change the owner and group of xoops to apache.
# chown -R apache : apache /var/www/html/xoops/
# chown -R apache : apache /var/www/xoops/
10) Now open your favorite browser and navigate to http:yourip/install . To access the XOOPS installation wizard.
11) Select your preferred language to proceed with the further installation.
12) Enter the document root physical path, xoops data files directory, xoops library directory and also the URL of the website.
13) Enter the database details associated with the xoops.
14) Select the theme which you would like to use.
15) Finally the XOOPS dashboard.
Since XOOPS has a modular nature, there are many modules available for customizing XOOPS. Modules can be managed using the module administration system.
Please do reach our support department if you need any further help.